There have been four accruals. Part of the first accrual was microfilmed and the original material destroyed. What remains in original form of the first accrual is arranged as follows: CUX: General Office Files, 1963-1969, Boxes 1-30, 32-54. F.I.S.U., Boxes 31, 31A. Student Government Research files, Boxes 65-72. International Affairs files, 1964-1969, Boxes 65-72. Films, photographs, audio reels, printed materials, Boxes 73-82. CUS: Boxes 84-93, includes briefs, submissions, working papers, organizations, correspondence, photographs, ISEP applications NFCUS and CUS Congresses & Seminars, 1926-1969, Boxes 94-98. NFCUS (with some CUS material): Boxes 83, 94-136. This material is not organized. It includes minutes, conferences and congresses, seminars, press releases, reports, correspondence, financial documents, circulars, publications, photographs, international and foreign organizations. Two financial ledgers. Microfilms of the first accrual: 1-6 CUS printed materials; 7-14 CUS day files and outgoing correspondence. Also the first accrual contained a microfilm which is labelled M.F. Hutchinson. The second accrual, CUS-LeGoff (37-1991), consists of correspondence, reports, and publications. The third accrual, NFCUS-GeĢrin (32-1995), consists of correspondence and organizational files. The fourth accrual (32-200) consists of correspondence, minutes and conferences attended by various NFCUS officers at Carleton College, later Carleton University, Ottawa.